Thursday, December 23, 2010

Drinking tea can check weight gain

Taking tea may prevent weight gain caused by junk food, according to a new study.

Researchers found regular consumption of tea also suppressed damaging changes in the blood linked to fatty foods that can lead to type-2 diabetes, reports Dailymail.

They said the research on mice could signal another set of health benefits from tea if they are confirmed in trials on humans.
In the study some mice were given a high fat diet and others a normal diet. Each of these two groups was then split into smaller groups and given water, black tea or green tea for 14 weeks.

Both types of tea suppressed body weight gain and the build-up of belly fat linked to a fatty diet.

But black tea, which is used in most ordinary cuppas, also counteracted the harmful effects on the blood normally associated with a high-fat diet.
These included increases in cholesterol, high blood glucose and insulin resistance - a precursor to type-2 diabetes where the body does not efficiently use the insulin it produces.

Rising obesity levels in Western countries have resulted in many more people having insulin resistance.

Taking tea has already been linked to lowering the risk of heart disease, cancer and Parkinson's disease. Other research shows drinking tea on a regular basis for ten or more years may improve bone density.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Anti-baldness drug affects men's sexual health

Some doctors have claimed that young men could be jeopardizing their sexual health by taking the world's best selling anti-baldness drug.

According to researchers, finasteride - sold in UK as Propecia - can cause serious side effects and that the drug's labelling is inadequate.

The prescription pill is extremely effective at stopping hair loss and in clinical trials nine out of 10 men didn't lose any more hair over a five year period.

Drugs' company Merck, which manufactures Propecia, claims on its website that less than 2pc of men could suffer sexual side effects, reports the BBC .

It mentions things like difficulty achieving an erection, but says the problems will go away for men who stop taking the drug.

There are doctors in Ireland and the US who claim that the drug's labelling is inadequate.

Merck said they continually monitor its safety and have recently changed the labelling after reports of sexual side effects continuing after people had stopped taking the drug.

They also claim those cases are extremely rare and could be caused by something other than Propecia itself.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Get rid of your belly fat!

Whether you have a major paunch or a tiny roundness and want to slim down, we have just the answers for you .

Looking for the simplest way to get rid of fat around your tummy? Go for this creative 20-minute fat-blasting workout and you'll begin to see a toned tummy in just three weeks. Do them four times a week, with a day of rest in between.

Work out
Your legs are your scissors: Lie on your back with arms by your sides, legs raised, and toes pointing toward the sky. Flatten your lower back, engaging lower tummy muscles.

Inhale while lowering your right leg, so your toes are in line with your nose. Exhale, switching your legs scissor-like, so your right leg lifts back up and your left comes down. (Don't touch the ground with your foot.) Do 3 sets of 8–10 reps.

Lie flat in front: Get on your knees and forearms with your elbows directly under your shoulders, fingers interlaced. Stretch your legs long, and come up on your toes into plank position. Exhale while twisting slightly to the left from your waist only. Inhale, returning to the starting position, then repeat on the opposite side. Do three sets of 10-12 reps.

A ball-game: Look up at the ceiling, lie down on a stability ball, and drape your abs and hips over it. Place your hands on the ground in front of you, and walk them out until the ball rolls beneath your shins; contract your lower abs and lift your hips slightly, then slowly lower them down. Do three sets of 10-12 reps.

Sleeping Buddha-pose: Lie on your left side with your legs straight and stacked on top of one another and your feet flexed. Rest your head on your straight left arm. Inhale while lifting both legs off the ground, then exhale while slowly lowering them until they're about 1 inch off the ground. Do 10-12 reps, then switch sides and repeat to complete 1 set; do three sets.

Major paunch: Do 3 sets of 15 bicycle crunches 2-3 times a week, plus 30-45 minutes' worth of run-walk intervals (2 minutes each) 4-5 times a week. You'll notice the result in 4 weeks.

Tiny roundness: Do 3 sets of 12-15 crunches on a stability ball 2-3 times a week to sculpt your tummy in 3 weeks.

Eat this
Major paunch: Cut or burn 500 calories and drink 2 cups of green tea daily, as green tea alone helped exercisers drop ab fat in 12 weeks.

Tiny roundness: Eat snacks with belly-busting monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) daily: 23 almonds, 6 olives, or 2 squares dark chocolate. MUFAs can reduce ab fat in a month.

Fake it
Major paunch: Dress in a way that your belly fat is kept hidden. Go for lacy camisoles to pull in and shape your middle, plus give your chest a lift.

Tiny roundness: Get a belt that's at least 3 inches wide and made of a stiff material or leather. A belt that won't bend like a corset helps to hide your tummy.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lara Dutta Fitness Tips

Learn to shape up with Lara Dutta
Actress Lara Dutta, who is launching her fitness DVD called ?Heal With Lara? gives you some valuable fitness tips.